Thursday, 6 March 2014

Remove arrow symbol from shortcut icons

Ever thought of removing those irritating ARROW symbol on the shortcuts??

So, for all those who are worrying how to get rid of those annoying things....
here is a tool that exactly meet your needs....:)

Click here to annoy that annoying thing.... (to download the file)

Unzip it and you'll find EXE files separately to each of the Operating Systems
either it is:
Windows 7/8 or Windows XP...
32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64).....

You'll find separate EXE files to all those....
Install it and choose the option and there it is....

The annoying ARROW symbol will be gone in a matter of seconds... :D

Dats it....

Saturday, 1 March 2014

change window size of bluestacks...

Wassup guyzzz.... :D :D

I know many of you are using Bluestacks software right now...
So, here is another tip for the users of Bluestacks.....

1) Click WINDOWS+R and enter regedit in the space provided...

2) Then, a popup will open....Click Yes
3) Then the registry Editor window will open....

4) Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Bluestacks/Android/FrameBuffer/0 by clicking the arrow on the left side of the Key......

5) Then change the values of Width and Height to the value you need it to be as shown below.....

6) Just double click width/height...
7) Enter the value(in Decimal)  and click OK...

Dats it..... :)

Go and check your bluestacks window in a new size.... :D

Friday, 28 February 2014

Error 25000 Bluestack Doesn’t Recognize Your Graphics Driver (Solved)

BlueStacks require your computer to have a graphic card and RAM of about 2GB. If it fails to find a graphic card then it issues this error message.

NOTE: If you have a very old PC it might not have the graphics card that can run OpenGL and thus Android won’t run on it.

Now the problem is your computer may be having a graphic card, however its drivers are outdated.
BlueStacks is not able to recognize your graphic card and what you need to do is update your Graphic Card (Display) drivers.

Do as mentioned below:
1) Open My Computer and right click on Computer icon on d left side and select Properties...

2) Now, click on Device Manager on d left top of the window...

3) Now, a new window will be opened as below...

4) Click on left arrow of the Display Adapters in the window as below and right click on the driver(normally the first option) as below and select update Driver software ....

5)'ll give options like 'automatically update it from internet' or 'from your computer'...
Select 'automatically update it from internet' and it'll try to update your display driver as below....

6) If it goes normally, your problem will be solved...

7) If it doesn't, go to your Graphics Driver site (AMD/ NVIDIA)  and dowload the latest driver of yours...

8) After that, select the 2nd option "Browse my computer..." instead of "automatically searc...." as below....

9) Now, browse the location in which the downloaded driver is present n select'll be installed and your problem will be solved..

Dats it... :)

Saturday, 22 February 2014

tabs in browser are different threads?

Mozilla Firefox uses multi-threading and Google Chrome uses Multiprocessing in implementing their tabs.
And now even Mozilla is trying to make its implementation in multiprocessing due to security reasons and all...

Because one wants their tabs to get closed because of one tab that went wrong.... ;)

searchIndexer in task manager

What is SearchIndexer.exe and Why Is It Running?

You’re no doubt reading this article because you’re wondering what that SearchIndexer.exe process is all 
about, and why it’s chewing up a lot of RAM or CPU. Here’s the explanation you’re looking for, and how to 
deal with it.

So What Is This Process?

SearchIndexer.exe is the Windows service that handles indexing of your files for Windows Search, which 
fuels the file search engine built into Windows that powers everything from the Start Menu search box to Windows Explorer, and even the Libraries feature.
You can see this for yourself by simply right-clicking on the process name in the Task Manager list, and 
then choosing Go to Service(s) from the menu.

This will take you to the Services tab, where you can clearly see the Windows Search item selected in the list.

If you take a look at the file properties, you can clearly see that this particular executable is the Indexer component for Windows Search—though the name probably gave that away already.

How Do You Stop This Process?

If you want to stop the service from running, you can open up Services through Control Panel, or type in services.msc into the Start Menu search box. Once you’re there, you can find Windows Search in the list and click the Stop button.

We wouldn’t recommend disabling the service—you can simply uninstall it if you don’t want it.

How Do You Uninstall This Service?

We’re not recommending that you uninstall the Windows Search service, since it powers so much of the behind the scenes stuff in Windows 7, but if you want to remove it you can typewindows features into the Control Panel search to pull up the Turn Windows features on or off screen. In here you can simply uncheck Windows Search and click the OK button. You’ll probably have to reboot your PC once that’s done.

How Can I Make SearchIndexer Use Less RAM or CPU?

Your best option is to cut down on the amount of data that you’re indexing—there’s usually no reason to index every single file on your drive. You’ll need to open up the Indexing Options through the Control Panel or Start Menu search box to make the changes.
The first thing you should notice is the Pause button on this window, which can pause indexing for up to 15 minutes—useful if you’re trying to do something and Windows Search happens to be in overdrive mode, though it really shouldn’t since it only runs while your PC is idle.

You’ll want to click the Modify button and then trim down the list of locations to just the ones you really need indexed—this can seriously improve the performance of your Start Menu search box as well.

Advanced Tip: Make Windows Search Index Only Filenames

If you click the Advanced button on the Indexing Options dialog, you’ll be able to access another set of settings—what we’re looking for here is the File Types tab on this dialog. Once you’re there, scroll down to some common formats like doc, docx, and other files, and you’ll see that they are configured to search the file contents by default.

If you don’t actually search within the files and only care about the file names, you can trim down the index by changing this setting to Index Properties Only.

Conclusion: This Process Shouldn’t Be Removed

You really shouldn’t remove this process, but hopefully the lessons in this article will help you trim it down to size, and remember that you can always temporarily stop the service if you feel like it.


Friday, 21 February 2014

Could not load shockwave flash plugin... (Solved)

Simply open a new tab and type the following in the address bar. chrome://plugins 

Nnow we are here at the plug-ins tab, lets see who is the one causing the plug-in error which prevented us from watching videos in Chrome. The error did mention ‘Shockwave Flash’. So find the plug-in Adobe Flash Player – Shockwave Flash. You would find two versions of the same plug-in installed/enabled. But actually,only one is fine

Click on Details to see more options for the plug-in. Now you see both the versions with a Disable option attached to each one.
Disable the one version that points to C:\Users\.. and keep the version pointing to the C:\Windows\.. enabled (As shown below).

Dats it..check now...everything will be as normal as HELL ;) 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

How to compile LEX/YACC files on Windows?

Instead of using LINUX for compiling LEX/YACC files, we can do the same on WINDOWS 7/8 also....

Its very simple.You need to download two very small files.
You have to download two executable(.exe files) of very small size.

To download them click the links below.

Link 1:  Flex

Link 2: Bison

Save both files in same folder (same as the .l file)

Now, go to the folder and CLICK (shift+ right click) 
And click "Open Command window here" option.

To compile, type command

flex <filename> (example: flex demo.l )  -----> for a file named demo.l

If your program is error free, lex.yy.c will be generated.

We can compile this C file with any C compiler available (Ex: Turbo C/ Dev c++/ Codeblocks)

and generate yy.lex.exe

Now just run yy.lex.exe. Its your lexical analyser..!!!

Dats it.........:D :D
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