Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Adding HIBERNATE option to your power menu

   Wanna add Hibernate option to your power menu in Win8 as it is not available normally...

How to Shutdown in Windows 8

   This is the way how to shutdown the PC in Windows 8.

Restart Problem in Windows 8

     Some of you,the users of Windows 8 might be having a problem that,your PC may be restarting or shutting down as soon as you enter the login screen......

Monday, 5 November 2012

Some useful shortcuts in Windows 8...

Some of the shortcuts....

Net Sharing in Windows 8...

As ad-hoc is not available in Win8,here is a method to share your Internet through Wifi...

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Many of the posts in my blog are not my own.......
They were in some way taken from some other blogs and sites.....
If i get any problem,i'll check in google, know about them n trying to shre them with you so that you won't be troubled like me.....

To change the Mac Address / Physical Address of your computer

(Applicable whenever you are connected to a network)

To find the mac address or physical address


Go to Command prompt.
(To know how to go to command prompt, see the before post)

To open command prompt

Press “Windows key+R” on your keyboard and then type “cmd” in it and press Enter key.

To change the startup programs

Go to Run Window or pressing "Windows key+R" on the keyboard makes your work easier...;)

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